ЗАОЧНЕ відділення

                           Урок №4

                                              ТЕМА: Дорогоцінні метали


1. Read and translate. (усно)

Such nonferrous metals as copper, aluminum, magnesium, lead, zinc, and tin are widely used in industry, though they are much more expensive than ferrous metals. These metals find many applications because of some characteristic properties they possess. But still scientists and engineers always try to replace the nonferrous metals with some ferrous alloys or other materials having lower cost and possessing the same properties.

Some of the nonferrous metals possess a high electric conductivity. Silver is the best conductor of the electric current, the conductivity of copper and aluminum is a little lower than that of silver, but they are used for electric equipment such as wire, cables, etc., while silver cannot find application in these cases because of its very high cost.

High resistance to corrosion is another useful property of many nonferrous metals. Some of them, such as gold and platinum, do not corrode at all because they cannot combine with the oxygen in the air. Copper and tin also have a low ability of combining with oxygen, which is the cause of their high resistance to corrosion. But aluminum and zinc can easily combine with the oxygen of the air, yet we know that they are highly resistant to corrosion. How can it be? The fact is that these metals form a protective coating which prevents the oxidation of the surface of the metal. This coating, which is a thin film of metal oxide on the surface, is formed immediately when the metal comes in contact with the air, thus protecting it from corrosion.

In many cases it is very important to have a light weight metal as, for example, in building airplanes. Aluminum and magnesium are such metals. Pure aluminum has little use in industry because it is too soft for most applications, but it is widely used as a base for alloys possessing good mechanical properties and very light weight. Magnesium is very light, too, but it has almost no resistance to corrosion and therefore it may be used only in the form of magnesium alloys.

Some applications require very ductile metals, that is, metals that can be easily hammered in different shapes. Some nonferrous metals, such as lead and tin, possess very high ductility; tin may be rolled into very thin sheets, thinner than paper, this sheet tin is called tin foil.

2. Read and translate below words and phrases.

Nonferrous metals, magnesium, though, application, characteristic properties, possess, replace, cost, conductivity, silver, electric current, equipment, cables, ability, oxygen, resistance, prevent, oxidation, film, immediately, require, tin, foil, brass.

3. Translate the following phrases into Ukrainian:

-         materials having lower cost

-         possess a high electric conductivity

-         be used for electric equipment

-         combine with the oxygen

-         a low ability of combining with oxygen

-         high resistance to corrosion

-         form a protective coating

-         prevent the oxidation of the surface of the metal

-         require very ductile metals

4. Answer the questions to the text and write a short retelling of the text:

1.  Why do nonferrous metals find many applications?

2.  What metals are the best conductors of electricity?

3.  What is one of the most useful properties of many nonferrous metals?

4.  How can aluminum and zinc resist to corrosion?

5.  Which of the nonferrous metals do not rust at all?

6.  Why is magnesium used only in the form of magnesium alloys?

5. Fill in the blanks in the sentences according to the content of the text:

1. Engineers always try to replace the nonferrous metals with----------.

2. Silver is---------.

3. Copper and tin have a low ability of combining with-----------.

4. A protective coating prevents--------------.

5. Ductile metals can be easily hammered in-------.

6. Tin may be rolled into------.

6. Put the verbs given in the correct form.

1. Nonferrous metals (to find) many applications.

2. Gold (not to combine) with oxygen in the air.

3. Copper (to have) a low ability of combining with oxygen.

4. Aluminum (to combine) easily with the oxygen of the air.

5. Magnesium (not to resist) to corrosion.

6. Pure aluminum (to be) too soft for many applications

    Урок №3


1.     Read and translate the text. Прочитати та перекласти текст.

 Copper is a valuable metal. Its wide application in many fields of engineering is due to its exceptionally high electrical and thermal conductivity, low oxidisability, good ductility and to the fact that it is the basis of the important industrial alloys, brass and bronze.

The raw materials for the production of copper are sulphide or oxide copper ores. Most of the copper is smelted from sulphide ores (about 80 per cent) while oxide ores account for only 15 to 20 per cent. Sulphide ores are more wide-spread in nature due to the higher affinity of copper for sulphur than for oxygen.

  The most abundant copper sulphide ore is copper pyrite containing the mineral chalcopyrite (Cu2Fe2S4). In some cases, the so-called copper glance is used; it contains the mineral chalcocite (Cu2S). All copper ores are very lean as they contain only from 1 to 5% Cu. Therefore, before smelting they must be concentrated by flotation. Flotation converts lean copper sulphide ores into a con­centrate containing from 15 to 20% Cu.

Before smelting, the copper concentrate and rich copper sulphide ores are subjected to an oxidising roasting process at 600—900° C thereby part of the sulphur is removed in the form of a gas. This gas is trapped and utilised in the production of sulphuric acid.

Various grades of copper are used for engineering purposes. It must be noted that even a minute amount of impurities sharply alters the properties of pure copper.

The mechanical strength of pure copper is not high and depends upon the degree of deformation (reduction in working). Pure copper is used chiefly for electrical engi­neering products such as cables, busbars and wire.

The copper alloys are more widely employed. The alloying of copper with other elements increases the strength of the metal in some cases and improves the anticorrosive and antifriction properties in others. Copper alloys comprise two main groups — brasses and bronzes. Alloys of copper and zinc are called brasses. The addition of appreciable amount of tin, nickel, manganese, alumin­ium and other elements to copper-zinc alloys imparts higher hardness, strength and other desirable qualities. Complex copper-zinc alloys comprising three, four or more components are special brasses.

In Russia brasses are identified by means of the Russian letter Л (the first of the Russian word for brass) followed by letters designating the chief elements and numbers which indicate percentage content of these elements. Thus, grade ЛT 96 is the brass tombac (T) containing 96% Cu and Zn. The designation of gradе ЛЖМЦ-59-l-l indicates that the brass contains 59% Cu, 1 % Fe, 1 % Mn, the remainder is Zn.

Alloys of copper with a number of elements including tin, aluminium, silicon, manganese, iron and beryllium are called bronzes. Tin bronzes are divided into two groups: wrought bronzes, containing up to 6% Sn, and casting bronzes, containing over 6% Sn. Special bronzd are copper-base alloys in which the principal admixtures are Al, Ni, Mn, Si, Fe, Be and others. Special bronzes are fully equivalent substitutes for the more expensive tin bronzes and, therefore, have great economical value. These bronzes are designated on the same principle as brasses. The designation begins with the Russian letters Бp (the first two letters of the Russian for bronze) which are followed by letters indicating the main elements and numbers showing the average percentage of these elements.

Certain   grades   of   special   bronzes    deserve   more detailed consideration. Aluminium bronzes contain from 4 to 11% Al; their high mechanical  properties  and corrosion   resistance   considerably   surpass   those   of   tin bronzes    and   brasses.    The   castability    of   aluminium bronzes is good and the are frequently used in foundry practice. Sheets, strips, bars and wire are made of grades БpA5  and   БpA4  by  the   rolling   process.   Aluminiur bronzes with admixtures of iron and manganese, grades БpAЖ9-4,     БpAЖMЦ10-3-1.5 and БpAMЦ9-2, are suitable for castings and for working, especially for smith and closed-die forging.


2.Answer the following questions. Дати відповіді на запитання. (письмово)

1. What are the raw materials for the  production   of copper?

2.        Why must all copper ores be concentrated by flotation?

3.  Whаt purpose is pure copper chiefly used for?

4.  What properties does the alloying of copper with other elements increase?

5.  What main groups do copper alloys comprise?

6.  What alloys of copper are called bronzes?

7.   Into what groups are bronzes divided?

8.   Why are aluminium bronzes frequently used  in foundry practice?


3.             Grammar rules. Граматичні правила. (прочитай та запам’ятай)

Present Simple (Present Indefinite) – теперішній простий час англійської мови. Найпростіший час з усіх, вживається регулярно для позначення дій, що відбуваються у теперішньому часі в найширшому сенсі цього слова.


Утворення Present Simple

У розмовному реченні Present Simple утворюється за допомогою додавання до іменника (суб’єкта дії) дієслова у першій його формі без частки to. При цьому варто мати на увазі, що при утворенні Present Simple з займенниками 3 особи однини hesheit  до дієслова потрібно додавати закінчення -s. Наприклад:

play football. – Я граю в футбол.

He/She plays football. – Він/Вона грають у футбол.

It makes me stronger. – Це робить мене сильнішим.

Якщо дієслово закінчується на -s, -ss, -sh, -ch, -x, -o, тоді замість закінчення -s додається -es:

He wishes me luck. – Він бажає, щоб мені поталанило.

Якщо дієслово має закінчення на , то ця літера заміняється на -i, до закінчення також додається -es:

He tries to work harder. – Він старається працювати наполегливіше.

Заперечне речення Present Simple утворюється за такою формулою:

Іменник + do/does + not + дієслово

Допоміжне дієслово does використовується лише з займенниками третьої особи однини. В інших випадках потрібно вживати do. Слова do/does та not можна скорочувати та зливати в одне don’t/doesn’t.

Приклади заперечних речень:

do not play guitar. – Я не граю на гітарі.

He does not go to the university. – Він не ходить до університету.

It doesn’t make sense.

У питальних реченнях також використовуються допоміжні слова do/does. Формула утворення питального речення Present Simple схожа на утворення запереченого речення, лише з тією різницею що тут немає частки not, а допоміжне дієслово потрібно ставити на початку речення:

Do/Does + іменник + дієслово

Приклади питальних речень:

Do you go to the school? – Ти ходиш до школи?

Does she swim? – Чи вона плаває?

Does it make you stronger? – Чи робить це тебе сильнішим?

Слова-покажчики Present Simple

З Present Simple використовується декілька слів-покажчиків, що відразу вказують на те, який час вживається у реченні. Існує декілька таких допоміжних слів:







never (також використовується у Present Perfect)










Випадки, в яких вживається Present Simple

Всі ці випадки використання з правилами та прикладами наведені нижче.

I варіант використання: повторювані дії

Repeated Actions

В даному випадку Present Simple використовується для позначення дії що має постійний характер або ж повторюється. Це може бути звичка, дія, що відбувається кожен день, або щось, що трапляється надто часто. В таких випадках часто вживаються допоміжні слова як-то usuallyoftenalways. Приклади:

play tennis. – Я граю в теніс.

The train leaves every morning at 8 AM. – Поїзд відходить кожного ранку о восьмій годині.

When does the train usually leave? – Коли зазвичай відходить поїзд?

Every twelve months, the Earth circles the Sun. – Кожні 12 місяців Земля робить коло навколо Сонця.

II варіант використання: загальновідомі факти або узагальнення

Facts or Generalizations

Present Simple може використовуватися для того, аби означити який факт, що має місце зараз. При цьому, не має значення, чи є правдивою інформація. Крім того, вживаючи Present Simple роблять узагальнення щодо людей або якихось речей.


Cats like milk. – Коти люблять молоко.

California is not in the United Kingdom. – Каліфорнія не знаходиться у Великій Британії.

Windows are made of glass. – Вікна зроблені зі скла. (Present Simple Passive)

New York is a small city. – Нью-Йоркневеличке містечко (Як бачимо, це не відповідає дійсності. Але для людини, що говорить це, це може бути правдою або ж вона в такий спосіб насміхається над розміром міста).

IIІ варіант використання: запланована подія в найближчому майбутньому

Scheduled Events in the Near Future

Present Simple використовується також для позначення запланованих подій, що мають відбутися у найближчому майбутньому. Найбільше він використовується у такий спосіб в розмовах про розклад громадського транспорту.


The train leaves tonight at 6 PM. – Потяг відходить сьогодні о 6 годині вечора.

The bus does not arrive at 11 AM, it arrives at 11 PM. – Автобус не прибуває об 11 годині ранку, він буде в 11 годин вечора.

When do we board the plane? – Коли ми сядемо на літак?

The party starts at 8 o’clock. – Вечірка розпочинається о 8 годині.

IV варіант використання: опис дії, що відбувається зараз

Now (Non-Continuous Verbs)

В даному випадку Present Simple може використовуватися для позначення дії що відбувається або не відбувається прямо зараз. отримання більш детальної інформації. Приклади:

am here now. – Я тут.

She is not here now. – Вона зараз не тут.

He needs help right now. – Він потребує допомоги саме зараз.

Do you have your passport with you? – Ви маєте свій паспорт з собою?


4. Choose the correct verb form from the one below and place it in the sentence. Виберіть правильну форму дієслова з поданих нижче та підставте його у речення:

 do(es) - cause(s) –  close(s) - open(s) – wake(s) up - speak(s) – take(s) – live(s) – play(s) – drink(s)

1.     Mike  football very well.

2.     I never  coffee.

3.     The gym  at 8:00 in the morning.

4.     It  at 10:00 P.M.

5.     Bad driving can  many accidents.

6.     My grandparents  in a small flat.

7.     The Olympic Games  place every four years.

8.     They are good pupils. They always  their homework.

9.     Her students  a little French.

10. I always  early in the morning.

2. Поставте дієслова в дужках в правильну форму:

1.     Mila (not/drink)  tea very often.

2.     What time (the banks/close)  in USA?

3.     Where (Amanda/come)  from?

4.     It (take)  me an hour and a half to get to work.

5.     Jim (not/wake)  up early on Saturdays.


5.Put the verbs in the sentence. In some cases, you will need to make a negative form in the sentence. Підставте дієслова у речення. В деяких випадках, вам потрібно буде зробити заперечну форму у реченні:


eat - rise - write – turn – tell

1.     The earth  around the Moon.

2.     The sun  in the west.

3.     Vegetarians  fruits.

4.     A liar is someone who  the truth.

5.     A novelist  novels.



                                              Урок №2

ТЕМА: Алюміній.

1.     Read and translate the text (усно)


 Aluminium is the most abundant element in nature: about 7.45 per cent of the earth's crust consists of aluminium.

Aluminium is extracted from rock with a high alumina content. The most important sources are bauxite, kaolin, nepheline and alunile.

Bauxite is the principal source of aluminium. The less silica in a bauxite the higher its quality as an aluminium ore. Kaolin clays are very abundant in nature but the extraction of aluminium from these ores presents diffi­culties due to the considerable amount of silica present.

The most important properties of aluminium are its low specific gravity (2.7), high electrical and thermal conductivities, high ductility, and corrosion resistance in various media.

Pure aluminium has only few applications; it is used for the manufacture of electrical wire, chemical apparatus, household utensils and for coating other metals.

Aluminium alloys are more widely used in industry. Wrought aluminium alloys have a high mechanical strength which in some cases approaches the strength of steel. Wrought aluminium alloys are further classified as non-heat-treatable and heat-treatable alloys. .Wrought aluminium alloys also include complex alloys of aluminium with copper, nickel, iron, silicon and other alloying elements. Complex wrought aluminium alloys of the duralumin (dural) type and certain others have found most extensive application in many industries.

Several grades of duralumin are available in the Russia. They are identified by the Russian letter Д fol­lowed by a figure indicating the number of the alloy in the series. Duralumin, grade Д-1 can be obtained in the form of sheets, bar stock and tubing; grades Д-6 and Д-16 аre usually produced in the form of bars, and grade Д-ЗП is made as wire for rivets.

2.Answer the following questions:(письмово)

1.     What elements are the most abundant in nature?

2.           What   are   the   most   important   sources   of   alu­minium?

3.           What are the most important  properties  of alu­minium?

4.      Is pure aluminium widely used?

5.     Do  wrought aluminium  alloys  have a high  me­chanical strength?

6.           How are wrought aluminium  alloys  further classified?

7.      What complex alloys do wrought aluminium alloys also include?

8.     What aluminium alloys have found most extensiveapplication in many industries?

9.             How are various grades of duralumin identified?


3.Choose the correct variant of the verb (граматичне завдання письмово)


1.The Earth ……. Round the Sun.

a) will go                       b) goes                 c) has gone

2.The film was not very good. I……. it very much.

а) didn’t/t enjoy              b) doesn’t/t enjoy c) shan’t enjoy

3.I am too tired to walk home. I think I….a taxi.

а) got                             b) gets                  c) will get

4.Ann is English. She …. Ukrainian.

а) don’t speak                b) isn’t speaking   c) doesn’t speaking/

5.The window was open and a bird….. into the room.

             а)flown                       b) will fly             c) flew

6.I don’t want to go out alone… . you … with me ?

               а) will.. come             b) do …come        c)did…come.


4. You have an answer. What was the question?

I phoned granny an hour ago.


Alcohol causes road accidents.


Healthy life-style will make you strong.


Ukrainian scientists contributed to the development of space exploration.

What___________________________________________________________    ?

When I come to a big city I always go sightseeing.


People will fly to other galaxies in the 22-nd century.


                                       Урок №1

                                                                                                                                                           ТЕМА:METALS AND THEIR USE.

Завдання  1: Прочитайте  та перекладіть слова та словосполучення на українську мову: (письмово)

Importance, industry, construction, consist, pure, combine, alloy, iron, copper, lead, cheap, produce, metallurgical, useful, property, strong, separate hardness, plasticity, combination, impurity.

Завдання № 2: Підберіть відповідні українські  еквіваленти англійських слів із завдання №1.(письмово)

Железо, производить, промышленность, чистый, полезный, важность, пластичность, дешевый, медь, конструкция, свойство, сплав, состоять, свинец, твердость, соединять, примесь, сильный, металлургический, соединение, разделять.

Завдання № 3 Переведіть українською мовою такі словосполучення:(письмово)

-         engineering construction

-         pure chemical elements

-         combined with some other elements

-         properties of alloys

-         useful properties

-         in different ways

-         two thirds of all elements

-         one point five two

Завдання № 4 Переведіть українську мову наступний текст:(усно)

                                          METALS AND THEIR USE

It is known that metals are very important in our life. Metals have the greatest importance for industry. All machines and other engineering construction have metal parts; some of them consist only of metal parts.

There are large groups of metals: 
1) Simple metals- more or less pure chemical elements. 
2) Alloys are materials consisting of a simple metal combined with other elements.

About two thirds of all elements found in the earth are metal, but not all metals may be used in industry. Those metals, which are used in industry, are called engineering metals. The most important engineering metal is iron (Fe) which, in the form of alloys with carbon (C) and other elements, finds greater use than any other metal. Metal consisting of iron combined with some other elements are known as ferrous metal; all the other metals are called nonferrous metals. The most important nonferrous metals are copper (Cu), aluminum (Al), lead (Pb), zinc (Zn), tin (Sn), but all these metals are used much less, than ferrous metals, because the ferrous metals are much cheaper.

Engineering metals are used in industry in the form of alloys because the properties of alloys are much better than the properties of pure metals. Only aluminum may be largely used in the form of a simple metal.

People began to use metals after wood and stone, but now metals are more important for our industry than these two old materials. Metals have such a great importance because of their useful properties. Metals are much stronger and harder than wood and that is why some engineering constructions and machines were impossible when people did not know how to produce and how to use metals. Metal is not so brittle as stone, which was the first, engineering material for people. Strength, hardness, and plasticity of metals are the properties, which made metals so useful for industry. It is possible to find some very plastic wood, but it will be much softer than many metals; stone may be very hard, but it is not plastic at all. Only metals have a combination of there three most useful engineering properties.

But it is much more difficult to get the metals from the earth in which they are found than to find some stone or wood, than is why people began to use metals after stone and wood. The first metal, which was produced by the people, was copper; iron was produced much later. Different metals are produced in different ways, but almost all the metals are found in the form of metal ore (iron ore copper ore, etc.) The ore is a mineral consisting of a metal combined with some impurities. In order to produce a metal from some metal ore, we must separate these impurities from the metal; that is done by metallurgy.