Дата: 15.06.2020 (понеділок)

Тема: Професійні якості.

I. Defining professions. (письмово)
     1. A person who plans, designs and builds machines, roads, bridges, harbours, etc.
     2. A person who owns or plans the work on a farm.
     3. A person who cuts men’s hair and shaves them.
     4. A person who prepares food.
     5. A person who is in charge of or helps to run a library.
     6. A person whose job is to keep and examine the money accountants of business or people.
     7. A person who is trained to take care of sick, hurt or old people especially as directed by a 
        doctor in a hospital.

     8. A person whose profession is to treat people who are ill.
     9. A person whose job is to show a place to tourists.
    10. A person who flies an aircraft.
    11. A person who travels in a spacecraft. 

 ІІ. Talk about more jobs you know and the qualities needed giving reasons. (усно)
E.g. Teachers need to be patient because they have to help children to learn things.
- give people


- make people

- believe in them
- help children
   to learn things

- listen to



- perform in front
  of people

- face


ІІІ.To match two halves of the proverbs about work. (письмово)
1.     No bees, no honey;
neither shall he eat.
2.     Slow at meat,
so is the work.
3.     He who does not work,
no work, no money.
4.     As is the workman,
what you can do today.
5.     Never put off till tomorrow,
and master of none.
6.     Jack of all trades
slow at work.

IV. Give Ukrainian equivalents of the following proverbs. (письмово)
1. Actions speak louder than words.
 2. Doing is better than saying.
3. No sweet without sweat.
4. Business before pleasure.                                             
5. Through hardships to the stars.
6. The end crowns the work

Контроль знань. Аудіювання.

1.Read to the text  and mark the sentences below. Put or -.

Text I. Cambridge University at a Glance
In 1209, several hundred students and scholars moved some 60 miles from Oxford. Due to some troubles with life and studies, they had to get away from Oxford and settle down in a small place where they established a new university. There were no colleges at those days and student life was absolutely different from what it is now. Students were of all ages and came from everywhere. They made a community, but not all was quiet and peaceful in their lives. Gradually the idea of the College developed and in 1284 Peterhouse, the oldest college in Cambridge, was founded.
Life in College was strict; students were forbidden to play games, to sing merry songs, to hunt or fish, and to dance. Books were rare and all the lessons were in Latin which students were supposed to speak even among themselves. In 1440, King Henry VI founded King's College, and then other colleges followed. Many great personalities studied at Cambridge, among them Erasmus, Bacon, Milton, Cromwell, Newton, Wordsworth, Byron and Tennyson. With the course of time, Cambridge and its colleges gained worldwide popularity and became Oxford's rival in terms of education, research, development and sports. Both Oxford and Cambridge became a standard for any educational establishment that has been created since then throughout the world.

1. In 1460, King Henry VII founded King's College.

а)+                    б)-

2. Life in College was strict.

а)+                   б)-

3. There were no colleges at those days and student life was absolutely different from what it is now.

а)+                     б)-.

4. Due to some troubles with life and studies, students and scholars had to get away from Oxford.

а)+                            б)-

5. Many great personalities studied at Cambridge, among them Erasmus, Queen Elizabeth II, Bacon, Milton, and Cromwell.

а)+                               б)-

6. Students were forbidden to play games, to sing merry songs, to hunt or fish, and to dance.

а)+                                б)-

7. Books were rare and all lessons were in Old English.

а)+                                б)-

8. They made a community, but not all was quiet and peaceful in their lives.

а)+                                б)-

9. With the course of time, Cambridge and its colleges couldn't gain worldwide popularity.

а)+                                б)-

Дата: 01.06.2020 (понеділок)

Урок №10


1.A person whose job is to help people with the law or talk for them in court

а) a lawyer
б) an accountant
в) a vet
г) an architect

2.a person whose business is to look after houses for people

а) a carpenter
б) a police officer
в) a plumber
г) a housekeeper

3.a person who makes and sells medicines

а) a doctor
б) a nurse
в) a judge
г) a pharmacist

4.a person who works to help people in need

а) a shop assistant
б) a social worker
в) a fireman
г) a journalist

5.a person who looks after sick animals
а) a doctor
б) a babysitter
в) a teacher
г) a vet

6.a person who must know foreign language
а) an editor
б) an interpreter
в) a computer operator
г) a hairdresser

7.a person who sells clothes
а) a shop-assistant
б) a dress maker
в) an engineer
г) a travel agent

8.a person who arranges travels
а) a social worker
б) a photographer
в) a travel agent
г) an electrician

9.a person who makes clothes
а) a designer
б )an estate agent
в) a computer operator
г) a model

10.a person who makes music
а) a singer
б) a musician
в) a journalist
г) a decorator

Тема: Резюме

-резюме має бути коротким та чітким: максимально прийнятний обсяг – дві сторінки А4. 
-мова резюме має бути стриманою та діловою: ніяких жартів;
-кожне речення має нести певну інформацію:
-виділення курсивом та жирним шрифтом необхідні, аби позначити основні пункти та розділи, проте вони мають застосовуватися помірковано;
-регулярно доповнюй резюме новою інформацією, не забувай перевіряти, чи актуальний вказаний контактний номер;
Personal details – ПІБ, контактний номер, емейл, дата народження, адреса. Education and qualifications – освіта, прослухані курси, сертифікати, пов`язані зі сферою працевлаштування.
Work experience – досвід роботи. Більшість студентів регулярно підпрацьовують кур’єрами, офіціантами чи мерчендайзерами. Якщо це не твоя майбутня професія – мінімізуй інформацію про таку роботу в своєму резюме.
Interests and achievements – все, чим ти займаєшся поза професійною діяльністю. Але потрібно бути обережним:
·         остерігайся банальних кліше на кшталт «socialising with friends»
·         концентруйся на тих хобі, що певним чином перекликаються з професією.


1.Застосовуй дієслова дії (динамічні дієслова): developed, planned, organised;
універсальними поняттями з офіційної лексики, що тобі знадобляться, можна назвати: technical expertise, management skills, industry know-how.
2. Не перевантажуй речення граматичними конструкціями: надавай перевагу active voice, наприклад:
Passive: A team of ten people was managed by me.
Active: I managed a team of ten people.

Дата: 25.05.2020 (понеділок)

Урок № 9

Тема: Моя майбутня професія.
1. Розвиток творчої діяльності. (усно)
I think you know the Ukrainian and English proverbs and statements about professions and works. Match them. How do you understand them?
1) If a job is worth doing it is worth doing well.
2) A bad workman blames his tools.
3) A woman’s work is never done.
4) All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
5) Hard work never did anyone any harm.

2.Warm-up: Guess the job. Відгадайте професію (письмово)
1.Fire! Fire! 9-1-1!
I fight the blaze
until it’s done.
Who am I?
2.Stitches and itches,
slips and falls,
colds and flu— I fix them all.
Who am I?
3.I get up early just to bake
your cookies, rolls,
and bread and cake.
Who am I?
4.In rain or snow
or sun or hail,
I walk to your homes
to deliver the mail.
Who am I?
5.I’m there for you
both night and day
so you are safe
at school and play.
Who am I?
6. Math and reading,
science, too.
I teach these things
to all of you
Who am I?.
7.Let me help you
find a book
on bears or bees
or how to cook.
Who am I?

3. Прочитайте та запам'ятайте.
Finishing school is the beginning of the inde­pendent life for millions of school leavers.
Закінчення школи початок незалежного жит­тя для мільйонів випускників.
Many roads are open before them: technical schools, institutes and universities.
Багато доріг відкри­то перед ними: технікуми, інститути, університети.
But it is not easy thing to choose a profession out of more than 2,000 existing in the world.
Але нелегко вибрати професію із більше ніж 2000 існуючих у світі.
Some pupils follow the advice of their parents, others can’t decide even after leaving school.
Де­які прислухаються до по­рад батьків, інші не можуть вирішити навіть після закінчення школи.
As for me I have made my choice long ago.
Щодо мене, я зробив свій вибір давно.
I want to become a teacher of the Ukrainian language and literature.
Я хочу стати вчителем української мови та літератури.
My choice of this occupation didn’t come as a sudden flash.
Мій вибір цієї професії не був випадковим осяянням.
During all school years literature was my favorite subject.
Протягом усього навчання в школі література була моїм улюбленим предметом.
I have read a lot of books by Ukrainian and foreign writers.
Я прочитав багато книг українських і зарубі­жних авторів.
I unde­rstand that reading books helps people in self-edu­cation and in solving dif­ferent life problems.
Я розу­мію, що читання книг допомагає людям в самоосвіті та рішенні різних життєвих питань.
My parents are also teachers and I know that teaching is a very specific and difficult job.
Мої батьки теж учи­телі, і я знаю, що праця вчителя дуже специфічна і важка.
Teac­hers do not only teach their subjects.
Вчителі не тільки викладають свої предмети.
They develop their pupils’ intellect, form their views and characters, their attitudes to life and to other people.
Вони розви­вають інтелект учнів, фор­мують їх погляди і харак­тери, їх відношення до життя і до інших людей.
It’s a great responsibility.
Це величезна відпові­дальність.
It’s not as easy as it may seem at first.
Це не так легко, як може здатися спо­чатку
But I think that love for children combined with the knowledge I’ll get at the Institute would be quite enough to succeed in my work.
Але мені здаєть­ся, що любов до дітей по­єднана зі знаннями, отри­маними в інституті, буде цілком достатньою умовою, щоб досягти успіху в моїй роботі.

4. Doing the quiz “Choosing a career.”  (письмово)

Quiz “Choosing a Career”

Do you know what type of job you would like to have? Answer the questions and see what our career specialist says about you! You must put a cross in the box marked Yes or No.

1. Are you keen on travelling?
2. Do you mind working indoors?

3. Do you like communicating with people?

4. Do you like to work alone?

5. Are you an energetic person?

6. Do you like organizing things?

7. Are you patient?

8 Are you fond of animals?

9. Are you noisy?

10. Do you like working with your hands?

11. Are you artistic?

12. Do you like working with numbers?

13. Do you like children?

14. Do you like looking after people?

Г5. Are you calm?

16. Are you interested in music?

17. Do you like sports?

18. Do you like working at night?

19. Do you mind seeing blood?

20. Do you like talking on the phone?

Check your answers and add up your score.  


Key to the Quiz:

If your score is between 5-45
You enjoy working with people and helping them. You are also a practical person. One of these careers will suit you: teacher, doctor, nurse, social worker, psychologist, zookeeper, policeman.
If your score is between 45-90
You like to work quietly and concentrate on the task. You prefer to work on your own. One of these careers will suit you: laboratory technician, librarian, artist, bank clerk, hairdresser, architect.

If your score is between 90-135
You like to be very busy. You like to be with people and you like organizing things for them. One of the following careers will suit you: travel agent, journalist, hotel manager, salesperson, firefighter.
1.      Do you agree with the results?
2.     Does your profession suit you?

Дата: 18.05.2020 (понеділок)

Урок № 8


перша частина

друга частина

третя частина

1. Розвиток творчої діяльності. (усно)
I think you know the Ukrainian and English proverbs and statements about professions and works. Match them. How do you understand them?
1) If a job is worth doing it is worth doing well.
2) A bad workman blames his tools.
3) A woman’s work is never done.
4) All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
5) Hard work never did anyone any harm.
1. A person who plans, designs and builds machines, roads, bridges, harbours, etc.
2. A person who owns or plans the work on a farm.
3. A person who cuts men’s hair and shaves them.
4. A person who prepares food.
5. A person who is in charge of or helps to run a library.
6. A person whose job is to keep and examine the money accountants of business or people.
7. A person who is trained to take care of sick, hurt or old people especially as directed by a doctor in a hospital.
8. A person whose profession is to treat people who are ill.
9. A person whose job is to show a place to tourists.
10. A person who flies an aircraft.
11. A person who travels in a spacecraft.
3.  READING. (усно)
Jobs for teenagers
About half of 16 – and 17 – year – olds in the UK have got jobs, and three quarters of this age group also go to school. They do part – time jobs before or after school and at weekends. The most common jobs are babysitting (very popular with girls) and paper rounds (popular with boys). Cleaning and working in a shop are also popular jobs.
In the UK, school students are not allowed to work more than two hours on a school day, or more than twelve hours in total during a school week. They are not allowed to work before 7a.m. or after 7p.m. (but babysitters can work later).
Teenagers do part – time jobs because they want to earn some money. However, they don’t usually earn very much
 4.The comprehension of the text: (письмово)
Mark + if the statement is true, – if it is false.
1. About half of 14 – and 1. In the UK, there is a minimum wage for adults: £5.52 an hour. For 16 – and – 17 – year – olds, it is £3.40 an hour. For children under 16, there is no minimum wage, so many teenagers work for £2 or £3 an hour.5 – year – olds in the UK have got jobs.
2. They do part – time jobs at weekends.
3. School students are allowed to work 6 hours on a school day.
4. They are allowed to work before 7a.m. or after 7p.m.
5. Teenagers usually earn much money.
6. There is minimum wage for adults: £5.52 an hour.
7. There is minimum wage for 16 – and – 17 – year – olds is £5.40 an hour.
8. For 16 – and – 17 – year – olds there is minimum wage.
5. Read a list of jobs and professions and sort them in two columns:
an accountant, an architect, a carpenter, a computer operator, a dentist, an editor, an engineer, a fashion designer, a fireman, an interpreter, a bodyguard, a surgeon,    
a travel agent, a vet, a receptionist.

The jobs I’d like to do

The jobs I hate to do

Give at least 3 reasons

Why you’d like to have these jobs or professions

Why you’d dislike to have these jobs or professions

a) this job is well paid;
b) is very prestigious;
c) It helps to socialize.

a) is boring;
b) involves meeting too many people;
c) It needs a lot of business trips.

Урок № 7


Tема: Canada. Політичний устрій Канади.

1.Read and translate the text. (усно)

Canada is the second largest country of the world. Canada is situated in the northern part of the North-American continent. Canada is washed by the Pacific Ocean and by the Atlantic Ocean. It borders the USA. Canada consists of ten provinces and three territories. Each province has its own government.
Formally, the head of the country is the Queen or the King of Great Britain.
The largest mountainchain of the country is the Rocky Mountains. Canada is the country of lakes. There are five Great lakes between  Canada  and the  USA  and  others,  for example:  Great Bear Lake, Great Slave Lake and LakeWinnipeg. Canada also has large rivers: the Mackenzie, the Yukon, the St. Lawrence River.
The Niagara Falls on the Niagara River are one of the most splendid sights in the world. The population of the country is about 29 million people.
People of different nationalities live in Canada. There are two official languages of the country: English and French.
The climate is different in different regions of the country. The   capital   of the   country   is   Ottawa.   Other   large important   cities   of   Canada   are   Montreal,   Toronto,Vancouver, Edmonton, Hamilton, Winnipeg and Quebec.
Canada is rich in mineral recourses, such as oil, natural gas and others.
Machine-building, ship-building,  paper-making   and fishing industries are highly developed. There is a verylarge hydro-electric station at the Niagara Falls.
Canada produces wheat, vegetables and meat.
There are a lot of interesting places in Canada, for example, theatres, libraries, buildings and national parks.

2. Final test. (письмово)
1.     What is the capital of Canada?
a)     Ottawa   b) Sydney  c) Columbia     d) Washington
2.     What is the symbol of Canada?
a)     Sun     b) Leaves     c) Bear   d) Maple leaf
3.     Who is the head of the state?
a)     King      b) Queen     c) President      d) Prime-minister

4.     What is the territory of the country?
a)     about 5 mln.      b) about 7 mln.    c) about 10 mln.     d) about 9 mln.

5.     What is the biggest waterfall in the world?
a)     Victoria Falls     b) Angel Falls     c) Iguazu Falls        d) Niagara Falls

6.     What languages are official in Canada?
a)     English-German  b) English-French c) English-Spanish   d) Spanish-French 

7.     What sport is national in Canada?
a)     Ice-hockey    b) Baseball      c) basketball       d) football

8.     In what continent Canada is situated?
a)     In North-America   b) in Europe    c) in Africa    d) in South America

9.     What are official colours of Canada?
a)     Red and blue     b) white and red      c) red and gold       d) green and red

10.What the Great lakes are there in Canada?
a)     Michigan       b) Baikal         c) Balkhash       d) Como
Home task: retell the text

Урок №6


Тема: Політична система Британії та Америки.

І. Read the text. (усно)
The British Parliament has been in existence since 1215, when King John signed the Magna Carta, and is one of the oldest in the world. Par­liament consists of two chambers, the House of Commons, consisting of members of parliament who are elected, and the House of Lords, consist­ing of unelected peers. The Sovereign, at the moment Queen Elizabeth II, is the third part of the Parliament. The government is officially known as Her Majesty’s Government. The Queen has, in principle, a lot of power over the government, but chooses not to exercise that power. This position has emerged through the ages, though at one time the Sovereign exercised a lot of power over the government, and the country.

True or  False. (письмово)
1.The British Parliament is one of the oldest in the world.
      2. King Edward VIII signed the Magna Carta.
     3. Parliament consists of three chambers.
     4. The House of Commons consists of unelected peers.
     5. The members of the House of Commons are elected.
     6. The Sovereign is a part of the Parliament.
     7. The Queen has no real power.
     8. Legislation becomes law without royal assent.
     9. The Sovereign is politically responsible for the administration of the law and the affairs of the nation.
    10. Fiscal legislation is always initiated in the House of Lords.
    11. The Commons may not disapprove other bills if they have been passed by two successive annual sessions of the Lords.
    12. The power of the Crown to veto legislation has not been exercised in over 280 years.


      1. constitution / The / of / the / Kingdom / United / is / governed / the / laws / set / of / principles / and / under / the / which / United / Kingdom / is
      2. constitutions / Unlike / the / countries, / of / most / it / not / other / out / any / is / single / in / document / set
      3. is / Instead / it / made / of / statute / up / law / conventions / common / and / law
      4. The / can / Parliament / be / alter / constitution / Act / change / by / of / or / general / agreement / convention. / by / to / a

IV.Read the text, complete the sentences and retell the text.(усно)

British Institutions
Parliament is the most important authority in Britain. Parlia­ment first met in the 13th century. Britain does not have a written constitution, but a set of laws.
In 1689 Mary II and William III became the first constitutional monarchs. They could rule only with the support of the Parliament. Technically Parliament is made up of three parts: the Monarch, the House of Lords and the House of Commons.
The continuity of the English monarchy has been interrupted only once during the Cromwell republic. Succession to the throne is heredi­tary but only for Protestants in the direct line of descent.Formally the monarch has a number of roles. The monarch is ex­pected to be politically neutral, and should not make political deci­sions. Nevertheless, the monarch still performs some important exec­utive and legislative duties including opening and dissolving Parliament, signing bills passed by both Houses and fulfilling interna­tionalduties as head of state. The present sovereign is Queen Elizabeth II who was crowned in Westminster Abbey in 1953.
The House of Lords comprises about 1 200 peers. The house is pre­sided over by the Lord Chancellor. The House of Lords has no real pow­er but acts as an advisory council for the House of Commons. As well as having legislative functions, the Lords is the highest court of appeal. The House of Commons consists of Members of Parliament who are elected by the adult suffrage of the British people in general elections which are held at least every five years. The country is divided into 650 constituencies each of which elects one Member of Parliament.
The Commons, therefore, has 650 Members of Parliament. The party which wins the most seats forms the Government and its leader becomes the Prime Minister. The functions of Commons are legisla­tion and security of government activities. The house is presided over by the Speaker. The government party sits on the Speaker’s right while on his left sit the members of the opposition.

1. Parliament is __ .
2. Parliament first met __ .
3. Britain has a set of laws instead of __ .
4. The first constitutional monarchs were __ .
5. Technically Parliament is made up of __ .
6. During the Cromwell republic __ .
7. Succession to the throne is __ .
8. The monarch still performs __ .
9. Queen Elizabeth II who crowned __ .
10. The House of Lords comprises __ .
11. The House of Commons consists of __ .
12. The country is divided into __ .
13. The party which wins the most seats __ .
14. The house is presided over by __ .

V. Homework. Read and translate the text. (усно)

The United States of America is a federative republic. Since 1959 the Federation comprises 50 states. The president is the head of the state and executive body.
He is also the commander-in-chief of the army and Navy of the USA. The president and vice-president are elected for a term of four years. All the legislative power is vested in Congress, which consists of the Senate and the House of Representatives. There are 100 senators and 435 members in the House of Representatives. Two Senators from each state are elected by popular vote for a term of six years, the Representatives are elected for two-year term. Both houses must approve the bill for it to become a law. An essential role in the US political system is played by the Supreme Court, which may declare a law, passed by Congress, to be contradictory to the Constitution of the country. The various states have legislative and executive bodies of their own. Their structure, function and competence are determined by the Constitution of each state. There is an elected governor at the head of each state. States enjoy independence in their domestic affairs, including financial matters. However, state laws and actions of state authorities must not conflict with the Constitution of the USA.
Answer the questions. (письмово)
1. Who is the head of the state?
2. How are the senators elected?
3. Who stands at the head of each state?
4. How many senators are there in the House of Representatives?
5. How many states are there in the USA?

 Урок №5


Тема: «Політичний устрій та державна символіка України»

 “He, who loves not his Motherland,

                                                                                                 can love nothing”                                          

G. Byron

1.Введення в іншомовну атмосферу:

 Today we’ll  speaking about Ukraine, revealing your attitude towards your motherland, stressing the facts you are proud of. Then we shall speak about the political system of Ukraine, analyzе the interaction of different branches of power, observе the main symbols of our state

2. Вивчення та активізація вживання нової лексики (Vocabulary Practice).

Translate the word-combinations: Read and pronounce correctly the words and word-combinations:(запишіть слова та словосполучення до зошита з перекладом, незнайомі-вивчіть)

1. Constitution

2. President
3.Verkhovna Rada
4. Parliament
5. Cabinet of Ministers
6. Official
7. Deputies
8. National symbols
9. Flag

3.Matching.  Match the words. З’єднайте слова парами. (усно)
1. to adopt                        a) виконавчий
2. to declare                      b) законодавчий
3. to elect                         c) громадянин
4.judicial                          d) приймати
5. legislative                       e) вибирати
6. citizen                          f) декларувати
7. executive                      g) герб
8. court                              h) юридичний
9.anthem                          i) суд
10.emblem                      j)гімн
4.Read and translate the text. (усно)
The Political System of Ukraine
1.On the 24th of August, 1991, Ukraine proclaimed its independence. Nowadays Ukraine is a free independent state. By the form of government it combines the elements of presidential and parliamentary republic.
2.A new Constitution adopted on the 28th of June 1996 declared Ukraine a republic. It includes the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and 24 administrative regions.
3.The Constitution outlines the structure of the national government and specifies its powers and duties. Under the Constitution the powers of the government are divided into three branches
4.The legislative power  consists of the Verkhovna Rada, the executive power is  headed by the President, and the judicial power  is led by the Supreme Court.
5.The parliament - the Verkhovna Rada is the only body of the legislative power in Ukraine. There are 450 peoples deputies who are elected for a term of four years on the basis of universal, equal suffrage by the secret ballot.
6.The Verkhovna Rada`s main function is making laws. The Verkhovna Rada adopts the State Budget for the period from January 1 to December 31 and controls the execution of it. The monetary unit of Ukraine is the Hrуvnia.
7.The President of Ukraine is the head of the state and speaks on behalf of it. He is elected directly by the voters for a term of five years.
8.The highest body of the executive power is the Cabinet of Ministers. It is responsible to the President and is accountable to the Verkhovna Rada.
9.It carries out domestic and foreign policy of the State, the fulfilment of the Constitution, as well as the acts of the President, develops and fulfils national programs on the economic, scientific and technological, social and cultural development of Ukraine.
10.Justice in Ukraine is exercised entirely by courts. It is administered by the Constitution Court and by courts of general jurisdiction. The Supreme Court of Ukraine is the highest juridical body of general jurisdiction.  
5.Answer the questions based on the text. (письмово, питання не переписувати)
1. When did Ukraine proclaim its independence?
2. When was Constitution of Ukraine adopted?
3. How many branches the powers are divided?
4. What does the legislative power  consist of ?
5. How many deputies  are elected for a term of four years?
6. What is a monetary unit of Ukraine?
7. Who elects the President ?
8. What is the highest body of the executive power ?
9. What does Verkhovna Rada do?
10.What is the highest juridical body of general jurisdiction?
       6. Homework: Answer the questions (письмово)
1. What are the national symbols of Ukraine?
2. Describe the National Flag.
3. Where were the blue and golden colours incorporated?
4. What is the National Emblem?
5. Why was trident chosen to be the emblem?
6. When were the Emblem and the Flag of Ukraine adopted?
7. Who wrote the lyrics and music to the Anthem of Ukraine?


Дата: 06. 04. 2020

Тема уроку: Мій коледж

1.Мовленнєва розминка. Read some reasons why we go to college. (усно)

·        To learn and to read and write:

·        To learn about science;

·        To learn different subjects;

·        To prepare for our future education;

·        To understand other people;

·        To learn to respect each other;

·        To learn foreign languages.
·        To study History;

Of course, we go to college to get knowledge, because without them we can’t get success in life, we can’t be good specialists. And we should always remember that.
2. Read and translate the text and answer the questions. (усно)
Studying metallurgy at college
Studying for a metallurgy degree requires a good head for sciences; the subject involves investigation of the chemical and physical properties of metallic elements, compounds and alloys.
Metallurgy degrees also cover metal-related technologies, including extraction methods, use in industry and engineering, and metalworking processes such as casting, forging and sintering.
At some universities, metallurgy’s practical applications in engineering and industry are emphasized through visits to facilities, guest speakers and work placements. Disciplines you may touch on include physicschemistrychemical engineering, engineering design and instrumentation technology.
1.     Where can I study metallurgy?
2.     How can I learn metallurgy?
3.     What education do you need to be a metallurgical engineer?
4.     What can you do with a degree in metallurgy?
3. Гра «Guess the room», «Guess the subject». ( написати відгадку)

«Guess the room»
1.     Books, newspapers, magazines are kept there. You go there to borrow or read books.
2.     A room where you have lessons at school.
3.     Meetings, performances, gatherings and parties are held in it.
4.     A place where you can watch sports matches.
5.     A room where you do exercises for your body.
6.     A room where you can eat sandwiches and drink tea or juice during the break.
7.     A room for teachers and class registers.
«Guess the subject».
1. You do a lot of experiments during this lesson.
2. You read books, stories and poems by different authors and discuss them.
3. You use calculators to do the tasks at this lesson.
4. Before this lesson you warm up and then run and jump in the gum.
5. You learn a lot of facts about different countries.
6. At this lesson you learn about kings and queens.
7. You draw portraits and make different things during this lesson.
4. Complete the sentences with the words from the box. Виконання письмового завдання. 

Classmate, deputy head, examiner, head teacher, lecturer, students, stuff

1.     There are twenty-eight ___________ in my class.
2.     Miss Brown is an ________________ as well as a teacher. She knows all about the final exams.
3.     My father is a ______________ at university.
4.     The _____________ is away at a conference this week. In her absence, the ________ is in charge of the school.
5.     Uncle Dan is not really my uncle. He`s my dad`s old__________ . They went to school together thirty years ago.
6.     Our school is big. There is a teaching ____________ of more than 100.

5.     Grammar rules. Прочитати ті вивчити.
Present Simple (Present Indefinite) – теперішній простий час англійської мови. Найпростіший час з усіх, вживається регулярно для позначення дій, що відбуваються у теперішньому часі в найширшому сенсі цього слова.
У розмовному реченні Present Simple утворюється за допомогою додавання до іменника (суб’єкта дії) дієслова у першій його формі без частки to. При цьому варто мати на увазі, що при утворенні Present Simple з займенниками 3 особи однини hesheit  до дієслова потрібно додавати закінчення -s. Наприклад:
play football. – Я граю в футбол.
He/She plays football. – Він/Вона грають у футбол.
Заперечне речення Present Simple утворюється за такою формулою:
Іменник + do/does + not + дієслово
Допоміжне дієслово does використовується лише з займенниками третьої особи однини. В інших випадках потрібно вживати do. Слова do/does та not можна скорочувати та зливати в одне don’t/doesn’t.
do not play guitar. – Я не граю на гітарі.
He does not go to the university. – Він не ходить до університету.
It doesn’t make sense.
У питальних реченнях також використовуються допоміжні слова do/does. Формула утворення питального речення Present Simple схожа на утворення запереченого речення, лише з тією різницею що тут немає частки not, а допоміжне дієслово потрібно ставити на початку речення:
Do/Does + іменник + дієслово
Do you go to the school? – Ти ходиш до школи?
Does she swim? – Чи вона плаває?
Does it make you stronger? – Чи робить це тебе сильнішим?
 Present Simple використовується декілька слів-покажчиків, що відразу вказують на те, який час вживається у реченні. Існує декілька таких допоміжних слів:

never (також використовується у Present Perfect)

Випадки вживання Present Simple
В даному випадку Present Simple використовується для позначення дії що має постійний характер або ж повторюється. Це може бути звичка, дія, що відбувається кожен день, або щось, що трапляється надто часто. В таких випадках часто вживаються допоміжні слова як-то usuallyoftenalways. Приклади:
play tennis. – Я граю в теніс.
The train leaves every morning at 8 AM. – Поїзд відходить кожного ранку о восьмій годині.
When does the train usually leave? – Коли зазвичай відходить поїзд?
Every twelve months, the Earth circles the Sun. – Кожні 12 місяців Земля робить коло навколо Сонця.
Загальновідомі факти або узагальнення
Present Simple може використовуватися для того, аби означити який факт, що має місце зараз. Крім того, вживаючи Present Simple роблять узагальнення щодо людей або якихось речей.
Cats like milk. – Коти люблять молоко.
California is not in the United Kingdom. – Каліфорнія не знаходиться у Великій Британії.
Windows are made of glass. – Вікна зроблені зі скла.
Запланована подія в найближчому майбутньому
Present Simple використовується також для позначення запланованих подій, що мають відбутися у найближчому майбутньому. Найбільше він використовується у такий спосіб в розмовах про розклад громадського транспорту.
The train leaves tonight at 6 PM. – Потяг відходить сьогодні о 6 годині вечора.
The bus does not arrive at 11 AM, it arrives at 11 PM. – Автобус не прибуває об 11 годині ранку, він буде в 11 годин вечора.
When do we board the plane? – Коли ми сядемо на літак?
The party starts at 8 o’clock. – Вечірка розпочинається о 8 годині.
Опис дії, що відбувається зараз
В даному випадку Present Simple може використовуватися для позначення дії що відбувається або не відбувається прямо зараз. Але слід враховувати, що використання простого неозначеного часу в такому випадку можливе лише з дієсловами, що не означають дію, котра може продовжуватися (Non-Continuous Verbs) або ж окремими дієсловами з групи змішаних дієслів (Mixed Verbs); дивіться види дієслів для отримання більш детальної інформації.
am here now. – Я тут.
She is not here now. – Вона зараз не тут.
He needs help right now. – Він потребує допомоги саме зараз.
Do you have your passport with you? – Ви маєте свій паспорт з собою?

УРОК №3 (30.03.2020) 

ТЕМА: Порівняльна характеристика освіти  в Україні та за кордоном.

1. Language charging. Мовна зарядка.
 Learn the proverbs. Match the beginning of the proverb in column. A with its ending in column B. З'єднати прислів’я. Зіставити початок прислів’я у колонці А з її закінченням у колонці В (усно)
Match the beginning of the proverb in column A with its ending in column B.
Live and…
…a dangerous thing.
Knowledge is…
…to learn.
A little knowledge is…
It is never too late…
…to know nothing.
To know everything is…
There is no royal road…
…to learning.
The answer:

2. Guess the subject by description.
Відгадайте учбовий предмет  за описом. (письмово)
1) The science that studies the structure of substances and the way they change.
2) The science that studies physical objects and substances and natural forces such as light, heat and movement.
3) The scientific study of animals and plants.
4) The study of all the things that happened in the past, especially the political, social or economic life of people.
5) The study of the countries, seas, rivers, towns, etc. of the world.
6) The subject that studies books, plays, poems, etc.

3.Read and translate the text. (усно)
We read some texts about schools in Britain, the USA and Australia.   We also got some pupils’ e-mail letters from English-speaking countries. We learnt much interesting information. My name is Irene and I’d like to tell you about schools in Ukraine.
 The right to education in Ukraine is guaranteed by the Constitution (Article 53). Every boy or girl must get secondary education; it means that secondary education is compulsory in our country. There are state schools where education is free of charge and private schools where pupils have to pay for their studies.
 I live in Donetsk. I study at a secondary school. My school was built more than twenty years ago. When I was ten I left primary school and went to a secondary one.                                                                      
Now I am thirteen and I am a pupil of the eighth form. We go to school from Monday to Friday. We usually have six or seven lessons a day. Every school has a core curriculum and a school curriculum. The core curriculum includes such subjects as Maths, Ukrainian and World Literature, Physics, History, Geography, English, German, Ukrainian and Russian Languages and other subjects.
According to the school curriculum we can choose extra subjects such as Computer Studies, Psychology, Journalism, Economics, and Ethnography. We’ve got Art, Music and Physical Training.  I am good at all of them.
Lessons begin at 8 a.m. and last to 1 or 2 p. m. We have some breaks for lunch and rest. Teachers give us home tasks after each lesson.
We have school uniform.   Teachers are not allowed to hit pupils but they can make them move to sit on their own. If you do something serious, like a broken window, you are punished.                
Test yourselves. (письмово)
 Which statements refer to schools in Ukraine (U) and which ones to schools in Britain (B).  Перевірте себе. Які ствердження  стосуються шкіл в Україні (U), а які - до шкіл у Британії (B).

Put U or B
Boys and girls study in separate schools.

The right to education is guaranteed by the Constitution.
(Article 53)

Every school has a core curriculum and a school curriculum.

Children have prayers at 8.50. a. m.

Children have 5 lessons in the morning and 2 after lunch.

Lessons begin at 8 a.m. and last to 1 or 2 p. m.

One of the subjects is Religious Instructions.

One of the subjects is Ethnography.

4.Answer the questions. (письмово)
1. Which school do you study at?
2. Where is it situated?
3. What is there behind the school and in front of it?
4. When was the school built?
5. How do the classrooms look like?
6. Which floor is your classroom situated on?
7. What do you think of your classmistress?
8. What subject does she teach?
9. When do lessons begin?
10. How many lessons have you got a day?
11. What do the pupils have their daybooks for?
12. Are the pupils often called to the blackboard in your school?
13. What happens if the pupils make mistakes?
14. What do the teachers give you after every lesson?
15. What do you get at the end of the each term?
16. What compulsory subjects do you study at your school?
17. Are you good at all of them?
18. What is your favourite subject? Why?
19. Do you realize that a good knowledge of English is important nowadays?
Prove it.

5.Match the sentences to make up mini-dialogues. (усно)
1.     When have you got Music?
2.     Do you like literature?
3.     Have you got a pencil?
4.     We count at Mathematics?
5.     What is your favourite  subject?
a.      Yes, I do. I like it.
b.     English and Math are my favourite once.
c.      No, I have not . I have got a pen.
d.     We have got it on Wednesday.
e.      Do you do sums?
6.Homework When pupils come to school they must behave properly. They must follow certain school rules. Let's write down. The first  groups will write down what pupils must do. The third group will write down what pupils mustn't do. (письмово)

                Pupils must                Pupils mustn't
Come to school in time.                                                
Talk in the lessons.
Cheat in the lessons and and tests
Forget things.
Be attentive in the lessons                                            
Clean their classrooms  
Do their lessons. 
Miss lessons.                                              
Listen to the teacher.                                                       
Study well      
 Be bad pupils.                                                                   
Learn the rules.                                                                
Be polite.  
Run in the corridors.                                                                         
Prepare the lessons  
Come late to school.                                                     
Clean the blackboard        
Fight with classmates.                                            

урок №1 (за 16.03.20 ) та урок №2 (за 23.03.20)

Тема: Освіта у Великобританії. (урок №1)

1.Вивчення нової лексики: (вивчити)

nursery school
дитячий садок
primary school
початкова школа
secondary school
середня школа
state school
державна школа
private school или independent school
початкова школа
boarding school
sixth-form college
підготовча школа до університету (еквивалент гімназіі в деяких  країнах)
technical college
vocational college
професійне технічне училище
art college
школа мистецтв
teacher training college
педагогічний інститут
academic year [ˌækə'demɪk jɪə] – навчальний рік
break [breɪk] - перерва
skip a lecture [skɪp ə 'lekʧə] – пропускати  лекцію
attend a lecture [ə'tend ə 'lekʧə] - відвідувати лекцію
give a lecture [gɪv ə 'lekʧə] – читати  лекцію
low/high marks [ləu/haɪ mɑːks] - низькі/высокі оценкі
to mark [tuː mɑːk] – ставити оцінку
gown [gaun] - мантия
to find your vocation [tuː faɪnd jɔː və'keɪʃən] - найти свое призвание
undergraduate [ˌʌndə'græʤuət] - студент останього курсу
freshman ['freʃmən] - студент першого курсу
sophomore ['sɔfəmɔː] - студент второго курсу
secondary education ['sekəndərɪ ˌeʤu'keɪʃn] – середня освіта
tertiary/higher education ['tɜːʃərɪ/'haɪə ˌeʤu'keɪʃn] - вища освіта

scholarship ['skɔləʃɪp] - стипендія, грант
2.Read the text (усно)
Nursery school – a school for young children of two or three to five years of age, where children learn such things as numbers, letters, colors, etc., and may begin to read and write.
Playgroup – a group in which children aged 2-5 meet to learn through playing. Playgroups started in Britain in the 1960s because the British government did not provide many schools for children of this age.
Creche – day-care centre, a place (e.g. provided at a place of work), where babies and small children are cared for while their parents work.
Kindergarten – a school or class for young children usually age 5.
Infant school – a school for children aged 5 to 7 or 8. At infant schools reading, writing and arithmetic are taught for about 20 minutes a day during the first year, gradually increasing to about 2 hours in the last year. By the time children are ready for the junior school they will be able to read, write, do simple addition and subtraction of numbers.
Junior schools – a school for children aged between 7 and 11. At junior school there are set periods of arithmetic, reading, composition. History, Geography, Nature Study, Art and Music, Physical Education, Swimming are also on the timetable.
Primary school – a school for children between 5 and 11 years old in England and Wales, often divided into an infant school and junior school.
Preparatory school – a private school for children between the ages of 8 and 13, where they are made ready to attend the school for older pupils, usually a public school. Only a small percentage of school-age children attend these schools. Most preparatory schools are for boys only or for girls only.
Secondary school – a school for children between the ages of 11 and 16 or 18, above the level of primary education.
Secondary modern schoola school for children over the age of 11 who are not expected to go on to higher study later. Although most children go to comprehensive schools now, there are still some secondary modern schools.
Comprehensive school a school for pupils over the age 11 which teaches children of all abilities. This system was introduced in 1965 and largely replaced the old system of grammar schools and secondary moderns, which took pupils depending on whether they had passed an exam called the eleven-plus (11+). Over 80% of British pupils now attend comprehensive schools. At 16 students in England and Wales take GCSE examinations (the General Certificate of Secondary Education). At 18 some students take A-level examinations, usually in two or three subjects.
Grammar school a school for children over the age 11, who are specially chosen to study for examinations which may lead to higher education.
Public school a private fee-paying British and especially English secondary school where children usually live as well as study. Public schools are known for their high academic standards and are considered being prestigious.
Private school a school not supported by government money, where education must be paid for. In Britain a private school is often called a prep school or public school. Only a small number of children attend private schools. Most attend state.
Boarding school a school at which pupils live as well as study. Most British public schools are boarding schools.
Sixth form college a British state school for students over the age of 16. Some young people prefer to go to the college because they feel it gives them more freedom than an ordinary school. A college is a place where people go for more advanced in education after school, especially in a particular subject or professional skill.
Polytechnic=poly a college of higher education, similar to a university, providing training and degrees in many subjects, especially those which prepare people for particular jobs in science, industry etc.

University – a place of education at the highest level, where degrees are given.
Bachelors Degree the general name for the first degree, most commonly a BA (Bachelor of Arts) or BSc (Bachelor of Science).
Master’s Degree the general name for a second (postgraduate) degree, most commonly an MA or MSc.
Doctorate the highest academic qualification. This usually carries the title PhD (=Doctor of philosophy).
3.Answer the questions. (Письмово)
1.     What kinds of school do children aged 2-5 attend?
2.     What do they learn there?
3.     What do children do at infant schools?
4.     What subjects do children study at junior schools?
5.     When do children start primary school?
6.     Most children attend prep schools, don’t they?
7.     When do English children take their GCSE examinations?
8.     What are public schools known for?
9.     What makes a boarding school different from a comprehensive school?
10. Why do many young people prefer to go to a sixth-form college?
11. What makes a polytechnic different from the university?
4. Look, read and comment. (усно)
I hope you have got to know useful information, which you will need.
- If you had an opportunity to study in the British school which one would you prefer?
- What advantages can you name in British education?
- What disadvantages?
Your homework will be the next: learn new words, tell about British types of schools.

Good bye! See you soon.

ТЕМА: «Освіта в США» (урок №2) (23.03.20)

1.Read  and translate the text.

Compare all statements with the educational system of our country.
  The American system of school edu­cation differs from the systems in other countries.
  There are state public schools, private elementary   schools and private sec­ondary schools.
  Public schools are free and private schools are feepaying.
  Each state has its own system of public schools.
  Elementary education begins at the age of six or seven, when a child goes to the first grade (form).
  At the age of sixteen schoolchildren leave the elementary school and may continue their education at one of the secondary schools or high schools, as they call them.
  The programme of studies in the el­ementary school includes English, Arithmetic, Geography, History of the USA, Natural Sciences and, be  sides, Physical Training, Singing, Drawing, Wood or Metal Work, etc.
  Sometimes they learn a foreign lan­guage and general history.
  Beside giving general education some high schools teach subjects useful to those who hope to find jobs in industry and agriculture or who want to enter colleges or universities.
  After graduating from secondary schools a growing number of Americans go on to higher education.
  The students do not take the same courses.
  During the first two years they follow a basic programme.
  It means that every student must select at least one course from each of the basic   fields of study: English, Natural Sciences, Modern Languages, History or Physical Training.
  After the first two years every student can select subjects according to his pro  fessional interest.
  The National Government gives no di­rect financial aid to the institutions of higher education.
  Students must pay a tuition fee.
  This creates a financial hardship for some people.
  Many students have to work to pay their expenses.
  The Americans place a high value on education.
  That’s why Kennedy said, “Our progress as a nation can be no swifter than our progress in education”.

2. Try to put down in right columns what student must and mustn’t do. (усно)
Student must                                                                      Student mustn't
Come to school in time.                                                 Run in the corridors.
Do their homework.                                                         Talk in the lessons.
Be attentive in the lessons                                             Come late to school.
Clean their classrooms                                                  Miss lessons.
Listen to the teacher.                                                        Forget things.
Study well                                                                           Forget to do the lessons.
Learn the rules.                                                                 Interrupt teachers.
Be polite.                                                                            Be bad pupils.
Prepare the lessons                                                       Cheat in the lessons and and tests
Clean the blackboard                                                       Fight with classmates

3.Grammar rules: (прочитайте і запам'ятайте)
Прийменники in і into:
У вас можуть виникнути труднощі з використанням цих прийменників. Головне, запам'ятати: словосполучення з прийменником in, як правило, відповідають на питання де?: in the cupboard – в шафі. Словосполучення з into відповідають на питання куди? – Into the cupboard – в шафу.

·         about – приблизно, близько: It's about 6 pm
·         after – після: Summer comes after spring
·         at  в (якщо мова про годинник): Let's meet at 10 am
·         during – протягом + іменник: She was sleeping during the whole lesson
·         for  протягом періоду часу: He laughed for 5 minutes
·         in – через (або якщо йдеться про роки): I'll be home in 10 minutes
·         on - по (якщо мова йде про дні): I usually go shopping on Fridays
·         till – до: I will not go shopping till Sunday
·         within – протягом, за: You must do it within a month
Крім того в мові часто використовуються прийменники from – c, від; since – від якогось моменту; before – перед, до; by – до якогось моменту тощо.
·         on account of – внаслідок, через
·         because of – тому що
·         in accordance with – згідно, відповідно до
·         thanks to – завдяки
Види прийменників за структурою
1.     Прості: in, for, on.
2.     Похідні (з суфіксами та префіксами): across – через, below  внизу.
3.     Складні (з декількох коренів): into (in + to) всередину, upon (up + on) над, without (with + out) без
4.     Складені (з декількох слів): according to – згідно з, as for – що стосується

Прийменники в англійській мові та відмінки в українскій
В англійській мові у іменників немає закінчень. Саме тому немає потрібні вчити відмінки, як в українській, але варто запам'ятати прийменники, які виконують в англійській мові функцію зв'язку слів у словосполучення:
·         of використовується для створення родового відмінка (Кого? Чого?)
·         to – давального (Кому? Чому?)
·         by / with–  орудного (Ким? Чим?)

Є цілий ряд дієслів в англійській, які не вимагають вживання прийменника, в той час як в російській мові він використовується в обов'язковому порядку:
·         to address – звертатися (до)
·         to follow – слідувати (за)
·         to answer – відповідати (на)
Прийменники в реченнях
1.     Прийменник, який виражає відношення між двома словами, ставитися між ними: We are planning to return in September.
2.     Якщо є визначення, прийменник ставиться перед нимShe is sitting under a big old apple tree.
3.     У спеціальних питаннях це правило може порушаться: What are you laughing at?
4.     В офіційному зверненні прийменник може ставиться перед питальними словами: To whom am I supposed to send it?
5.     В окличних реченняхWhat a terrible thing to brag about!
6.     У пасивних конструкціяхThis problem must be taken care of.
7.     У деяких синтаксичних конструкціях з інфінітивом або герундіємHe is impossible to work with. She is so boring to talk to.

4.Do exercise. Поставте у пропущені місця ’in’, ‘at’, ‘on’ чи х’, якщо жодного з перелічених прийменників підставляти не треба: (письмово)
1.     I’ll see you  next week.
2.     He was born  1991.
3.     Did you see her  today?
4.     It starts  tomorrow.
5.     It was sunny  my birthday.
6.     It will be ready  eight months.
7.     What’s on the TV  midnight.
8.     The factory closed  June.
9.      the winter, it usually snows.
10.  Friday, she spoke to me.
11. What are you doing  the weekend?
12. I’ll see you  a moment.
13. The anniversary is  May 10th.
14. Where did you go  last summer.
15. The movie starts  20 minutes.
16.  the moment, I’m busy.
17. They were very popular  the 1980s.
18. My appointment is  Thursday morning.
19. We had the meeting  last week.
20. Are you staying at home  Christmas Day.