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Урок№ 6-27.04.2020

Тема: Контроль знань. Аудіювання.

1.Read to the text 1 and mark the sentences below. Put or -.
Text I. Cambridge University at a Glance
In 1209, several hundred students and scholars moved some 60 miles from Oxford. Due to some troubles with life and studies, they had to get away from Oxford and settle down in a small place where they established a new university. There were no colleges at those days and student life was absolutely different from what it is now. Students were of all ages and came from everywhere. They made a community, but not all was quiet and peaceful in their lives. Gradually the idea of the College developed and in 1284 Peterhouse, the oldest college in Cambridge, was founded.
Life in College was strict; students were forbidden to play games, to sing merry songs, to hunt or fish, and to dance. Books were rare and all the lessons were in Latin which students were supposed to speak even among themselves. In 1440, King Henry VI founded King's College, and then other colleges followed. Many great personalities studied at Cambridge, among them Erasmus, Bacon, Milton, Cromwell, Newton, Wordsworth, Byron and Tennyson. With the course of time, Cambridge and its colleges gained worldwide popularity and became Oxford's rival in terms of education, research, development and sports. Both Oxford and Cambridge became a standard for any educational establishment that has been created since then throughout the world.

1. In 1460, King Henry VII founded King's College.

а)+                    б)-

2. Life in College was strict.

а)+                   б)-

3. There were no colleges at those days and student life was absolutely different from what it is now.

а)+                     б)-.

4. Due to some troubles with life and studies, students and scholars had to get away from Oxford.

а)+                            б)-

5. Many great personalities studied at Cambridge, among them Erasmus, Queen Elizabeth II, Bacon, Milton, and Cromwell.

а)+                               б)-

6. Students were forbidden to play games, to sing merry songs, to hunt or fish, and to dance.

а)+                                б)-

7. Books were rare and all lessons were in Old English.

а)+                                б)-

8. They made a community, but not all was quiet and peaceful in their lives.

а)+                                б)-

9. With the course of time, Cambridge and its colleges couldn't gain worldwide popularity.

а)+                                б)-

Урок №5 -13.04.2020

Тема: Вибір професії.

1. Розвиток творчої діяльності. (усно)
I think you know the Ukrainian  and English proverbs and statements about professions and works. Match them. How do you understand them?
1) If a job is worth doing it is worth doing well.
2) A bad workman blames his   tools.
3) A woman’s work is never done.
4) All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
5) Hard work never did anyone any harm.

2. Fill in this information about career education with job, profession, or career. career  professions, career, professions, job, career, job, professions.
a) In their last three years at school, teenagers receive____________advice. There are a lot of_______________to choose from. b) A______________teacher helps teenagers
to discover their interests and make the first steps to future________________ c) A lot of teenagers have a part-time________________ d) Annabel hopes to make painting her________________ although she knows it will not be easy. e)A special booklet provides some tips for finding-the right__________________It gives information about nearly 250________________

3.Warm-up: Guess the job. Відгадайте професію (письмово)
1.Fire! Fire! 9-1-1!
I fight the blaze
until it’s done.
Who am I?

2.Stitches and itches,
slips and falls,
colds and flu— I fix them all.
Who am I?

3.I get up early just to bake
your cookies, rolls,
and bread and cake.
Who am I?

4.In rain or snow
or sun or hail,
I walk to your homes
to deliver the mail.
Who am I?

5.I’m there for you
both night and day
so you are safe
at school and play.
Who am I?

6. Math and reading,
science, too.
I teach these things
to all of you
Who am I?.

7.Let me help you
find a book
on bears or bees
or how to cook.
Who am I?

4. Doing the quiz “Choosing a career.”  (письмово)
Quiz“Choosing a Career”
Do you know what type of job you would like to have? Answer the questions and see what our career specialist says about you! You must put a cross in the box marked Yes or No.

1. Are you keen on travelling?
2. Do you mind working indoors?

3. Do you like communicating with people?

4. Do you like to work alone?

5. Are you an energetic person?

6. Do you like organizing things?

7. Are you patient?

8 Are you fond of animals?

9. Are you noisy?

10. Do you like working with your hands?

11. Are you artistic?

12. Do you like working with numbers?

13. Do you like children?

14. Do you like looking after people?

15. Are you calm?

16. Are you interested in music?

17. Do you like sports?

18. Do you like working at night?

19. Do you mind seeing blood?

20. Do you like talking on the phone?

Check your answers and add up your score.  


Key to the Quiz:

If your score is between 5-45
You enjoy working with people and helping them. You are also a practical person. One of these careers will suit you: teacher, doctor, nurse, social worker, psychologist, zookeeper, policeman

If your score is between 45-90
You like to work quietly and concentrate on the task. You prefer to work on your own. One of these careers will suit you: laboratory technician, librarian, artist, bank clerk, hairdresser, architect.

If your score is between 90-135
You like to be very busy. You like to be with people and you like organizing things for them. One of the following careers will suit you: travel agent, journalist, hotel manager, salesperson, firefighter.
 1. Do you agree with the results?
 2. Does your profession suit you?

Урок №4 за 06.04.2020

ТЕМА: Пошук роботи. Співбесіда.


1.Warm-up. Read the joke and have fun. (усно)
1) Bob Smith, my assistant programmer, can always be found
2) hard at work at his desk. He works independently, without
3) wasting company time talking to colleagues. Bob never
4) thinks twice about assisting fellow employees, and always
5) finishes given assignments on time. Often he takes extended
6) measures to complete his work, sometimes skipping coffee
7) breaks. Bob is a dedicated individual who has absolutely no
8) vanity in spite of his high accomplishments and profound
9) knowledge in his field. I firmly believe that Bob can be
10) classed as an asset employee, the type which cannot be
11) dispensed with. Consequently, I duly recommend that Bob be
12) promoted to executive management, and a proposal will be
13) executed as soon as possible
Addendum:Kindly read only the odd numbered lines.

2. Speaking (записати  словосполучення до зошита і вивчити)
How would you describe yourself? – Як би ви себе описали?
1.     flexible – здібний швидко пристосовуватись до обставин 
2.     hard working – працьовитий
3.     outgoing – комунікабельний
4.     dependable – надійний
5.     honest – порядний
6.     organized – організований
7.     ambitious – цілеспрямований
8.     a team–player – вмію працювати в колективі 
9.     a seasoned specialist – досвідчений спеціаліст
10. a dedicated professional професіонал, відданий своїй спра
11. to be broadminded – мати широкі погляди
12.  to be conscientious – бути сумлінним
13. to be creative – бути творчим
14.  to be enthusiastic – бути повним ентузіазму
15. to be innovative – бути новатором
16. to be a problemsolver – легко розв'язувати проблеми
17. always take initiative – завжди брати ініціативу на себе
18. to have team building skills – володіти навичками формування колективної роботи
3.Read and translate the dialogue (усно)
Kelly. So, have you found a job yet?
Josh. No, but, I have a few leads, so things are looking up.
Kelly. But isn’t that what you always say?
Josh. Well... uh... this time is different.
Kelly. What are you looking for this time, then?
Josh. Actually, I want to work for a Web hosting company.
Kelly. What would you do there?
Josh. Well, in a nut shell, Web hosting companies provide space for people to store and run their Websites. Does it sound like I know what I’m talking about?
Kelly. Oh, yeah, sort of.
Josh. Well, and then, sort of? Well, they allow people to run their Web sites without having to buy and maintain their own servers, and I’d like to work in technical support, you know, helping customers resolve computer-related problems with their sites. And you know I’m a good communicator.
Kelly. So, how’s the pay for that kind of job?
Josh. Well, most people I know start out with a very reasonable salary; you can earn pay increases depending on your performance.
Kelly. So, what about benefits?
Josh. Oh, the benefits are pretty good. They provide health insurance, two weeks (of) paid vacation a year, and opportunities for advancement. And in the end, I’d like to work in a management position. You know, sitting back, enjoying the view out of the twentieth-story window of the office building. Something like that.
Kelly. Well, is there any long-term job security in a job like that? Josh. Uhh. That’s hard to tell. I mean, the Internet is booming, and these kinds of companies are sprouting up everywhere, which is a good thing, but just like the dot-com era, you never know how long things will last.
Kelly. Well, have you ever thought about going back to school to improve your job skills?
Josh. Wait, wait. What are you suggesting?
Kelly. Well, you know, more training might help you land a better job. Josh. Wh... wh... Are you trying to say something about my current job? I mean, is there something going on here? I mean, what are you saying? Kelly. You know, you did drop out of college.
Josh. I know, I know, but I don’t know. I’m just seeing my current job at McDonalds as a step up. McDonalds! Yeah, but, you know, I don’t have the resources to go back to school at the moment; however, the job I am looking at will pay for some classes after I have been with the company for six months.
Kelly. Well, it looks like you have things planned out this time.
Josh. If I last that long.
4.Answer the questions. (письмово)
1) In which field is the man looking for a job?
a) education                        
b) medicine
c) technology
2) Which statement best describes the pay for the job?
a) Employees can receive periodic pay increases based on their work.
b) The salary for the position is above the industry average.
c) Workers are paid on a commission basis depending their sales.
3) What are some of the benefits that the company provides?
a) insurance, paid vacation, and a company vehicle
b) paid vacation, opportunities for promotion, and insurance
c) opportunities for advancement, insurance, and a free bus pass
4) What does the future hold for the industry that he is considering?
a) growing, yet uncertain     
b) expanding and secure
c) contracting, yet stable
5) From the conversation, what do we know about the man’s educational background?
a) He dropped out of high school.
b) He has some post-secondary education.
c) He has a college degree.

5. Do the test to know more information about the successful interview. (усно)
Tips for a Successful Interview

1. Arrive ..... , about 10 or 15 minutes before the appointed time.
a. early                        b. late                c. in time
2. Calm your nerves by taking deep breaths. Maintain a positive ..... no matter how you think the interview is going on.
a. feeling     b. behaviour                   c. attitude

3. Be ..... but not too casual during the job  interview.
a. friendly            b. talkative            c. thoughtful  

4. Make and maintain eye ..... .
a. contact         b. link            c. connection

5. Speak in complete sentences, and use a ..... vocabulary.
a. formal             b. informal             c. offensive

6. Don’t use …… during the interview
a. notes      b. slang        c. full sentences

7. Answer questions. Above all be ..... . You do not have to offer negative information,
 but be sure you don't lie if asked directly.
a. optimistic        b. honest         c. tactful

8. Answer clearly and completely with enough ..... . Take a moment before you respond to difficult questions.
a. information          b. detail            c. humour

9. ...... your thoughts so you don't ramble. Remain calm no matter what question is asked.
a. consider         b. collect           d. organize

10. Be tactful, sincere, polite and ..... about the organization and what you have to offer.
a. negative         b. positive          c. knowledgeable

11. Conclude the interview.  ..... the interviewer for the time spent with you.
 Follow up the interview with a thank-you letter
a. congratulate       b. excuse          c. thank

6. Grammar rules / Граматичні правила. (прочитати, зробити конспект, вивчити)
Модальні дієслова допомагають нам підкреслити, що дія є можливою або неможливою, дозволеною або забороненою, необхідною, бажаною або необов’язковою. Після них основне дієслово завжди використовується у формі інфінітива (майже у всіх випадках – без частки TO, але про це нижче), а це означає, що у нього НІКОЛИ не буває закінчення -s:
He must answer the email.
Lady Gaga can sing very well.
Модальне дієслово CAN
Почнемо з дієслова CAN. Воно виражає:
Здатність: Michael can run really fast.
Можливість: The temperature in the mountains can be low even in summer.
Дозвіл або заборону: Can I go home now? – No, you can not.
Пропозицію або прохання: Can I do anything for you? / Can you help me with this heavy bag?
Упевнену здогадку (негативну): This lady can not be over 50, she looks much younger.
Форма минулого часу цього дієслова – COULD. Однак така форма може іноді означати не тільки минулий час, але й великий ступінь непевності або ввічливості. Подивімось докладніше:
Здатність у минулому: Michael could run really fast when he was young.
Тут є нюансдля позначення здатності в один конкретний момент минулого використовується WAS / WERE ABLE TOThe detectives were able to identify the murderer (тобто вони змогли, їм вдалося).
Можливість: My boss could be in the office now, but I do not really know (мовець не впевнений).
Дозвіл / заборона в минулому: In the past, passengers could smoke cigarettes on planes.
Прохання: Could you help me, please? (Більш ввічливо, ніж CAN).
Упевнена здогадка (негативна): That could not be Olivia at the door – I’ve just spoken to her on the phone (тут можна використовувати і CAN NOT, але COULD NOT передає трохи менше впевненості).
Модальне дієслово MAY
У деяких вже розглянутих нами ситуаціях також можна використовувати дієслово MAY, яке виражає:
Можливість: I think the children may be in their room now (мовець не впевнений, таке ж значення має COULD).
Дозвіл: Library users may borrow only a limited number of books (це більш формально, ніж CAN).
Модальне дієслово MIGHT
Чим же відрізняється MIGHT? Воно теж має декілька значень:
Минулий час дієслова MAY: Bob asked if he might have another piece of cake.

Можливість: The food in this Indian restaurant is too spicy, though you might like it (ще менше впевненості, ніж COULD і MAY).
Дозвіл: Might I interrupt you for a moment? (Ввічливо і формально).

Урок №3 за 30.03.2020

Тема: Заняття з країнознавства.
 Визначні місця Лондона.

   1.Answer my questions:/ Дайте відповіді на питання письмово  в зошитах.
1.     What do you know about London?
2.     Is London a city or a town?
3.     Where is London situated?
4.     Is it one of the biggest cities in the world? Is it beautiful?
5.     What can you say about population of London?
6.     Have you ever been to  London?
7.     Would you like to go to London?
8.     What sightseeing  of London do you know?
9.     Where do people watch plays?
10. Where do people watch sporting events?  
11. Where do people watch films?
12. Where do people   see collections of paintings and sculptures?
(People see collections of paintings and sculptures in the galleries. For example, National Gallery).

2.  Finish the sentences. Доповніть речення.(письмово)

     1)  Big Ben:
           -a bell
          -a square

2) The queen lives in:
            -  the Tower of London
            -Buckingham palace
            -Windsor palace

3) The Bloody Tower is in:
                          -The Tower of London
                        -The Houses of Parliament
                       -Westminster Abbey

4) The country’s leaders speak in
                         -The Houses of Parliament
                         -Big Ben
                        - Buckingham palace

3. Напишіть  речення, використовуючи ці словосполучення.
I want to visit … because it is …
I would like to see … because it is …
 Use the words: popular, famous, beautiful, interesting, wonderful, old, big.

4.Do you agree or disagree? Чи згодні ви чи не згодні? (письмово)

1.London is the capital of Spain.
2. Big Ben is a famous street.
3. Buckingham Palace is the home for the Queen.
4. The Thames is the main river in London.
5. London Eye is the monument in London.
6. Queen Elizabeth 2 lives in Westminster Abbey.
7. Trafalgar Square is a popular place for tourists.
 8. Piccadilly circus is a square.

5.Match the words and their definitions.  Зіставте слова та їхні визначення. (усно)
Big Ben
Trafalgar Square
Double Decker
Buckingham Palace
The Tower of London
Westminster Abbey
Traditional English Bus
The most famous church in England
Big Clock
The center of London
The place where English queen lives
Very old tower
Complete the name:
Trafalgar (Square)
Buckingham (Palace)
Westminster (Abbey)
The Houses of (Parliament)
Hyde (Park)
Kensington (Gardens)
Big (Ben)
Royal (Park)
The Tower of (London)
The Bloody (Tower)
6.Read and translate places of interest: (усно)
THE TOWER OF LONDON is a very old building — nine hundred years old! In the early days of English kings lived in the Tower. Then it was a prison where many people died. Black ravens had much food near the walls of the Tower in those days. Now the Tower of London is a museum housing the National Collection of Armour and Royal Regalias, and many tourists from other countries come to see it. They see the dark stone halls with small windows and thick doors. Something that should not be missed is the Crown Jewels, a priceless collection of every jewel known. The Tower is still guarded by the Yeomen Warders, the famous Beefeaters, who wear a traditional sixteen-century uniform.
THE THAMES is not a long river. It is three hundred and thirty kilometers long and it flows into the sea. The English people call it “the Father of London”. London began on the Thames. When we go in a ship up the Thames we pass under London Bridge, the Tower Bridge and other. There is a museum of old ships on the Thames. These ships are from the history of Great Britain. One of these ships, the “Discovery”, went to the South Pole from 1901-1904. If we go down the Thames we pass the port of London and arrive in Greenwich — a very old town. We can see the place where the Greenwich Meridian passes.
HADE PARK covers an area of 360 acres. Beneath Hyde Park there is a car park for 500 cars and also a tube station. On the north of Hyde Park there is a very famous place called Speaker’s Corner where, only on Sunday, any person can talk on any subject. One of the most famous speakers there is Lord Soper who is a politician. Here you will see what we call “hecklers”. They are people who try to upset the person speaking. It is well worth a visit on Sunday from 10.00 until they finish.
TRAFALGAR SQUARE is a very famous square where on New Year’s Eve people gather to celebrate. At midnight people jump info the fountains fully clothed and enjoy themselves. In the middle of the square there is a very famous statue “Nelson’s Column” which is over 170 feet high. The statue on the top is in memory of Lord Horatio Nelson who won the most famous sea battle at Trafalgar. This column is cleaned once evere seven years. It is a very difficult job as they have to climb to the top and clean all the mess the pigeons have made on the statue. Trafalgar Square has become famous as a rallying point for all kinds of demonstrations, marches and political meetings.
NATIONAL GALLERY. The whole of the north side of Trafalgar Square is dominated by the National Gallery. It houses one of the finest art collections in the world. It includes paintings from British, Italian, Spanish, French, Dutch, Flemish and other famous schools. It has a priceless collection of paintings by the famous artists Van Gogh, Reubens, Constable and any other painter you wish to name.
WESTMINSTER ABBEY is a symbol of English tradition at its best. The coronations of nearly all English kings and queens since William the Conqueror have taken place here. Many of them are buried within the Abbey. Beneath the roof of this Gothic building there are also the graves and memorial slabs of statesmen, philosophers, men of letters and other distinguished people. Here you can see memorials to Isaac Newton, Charles and Thomas Hardy.
7. Check yourself: (письмово)

1.The capital of the UK is…
2.You can see waxen figures of different famous people in…
National Gallery;
Madam Tussaud’s Museum;
the Tower of London.
3.The highest mountain in Great Britain is…
Ben Nevis;
4.The population of the UK is…
45 ml. people;
57 ml. people;
60 ml. people.
5.The longest river in Great Britain is…
The Thames;
The Clyde;
The Severn.
6.Daniel Defo was a famous English…
Sea explorer;
7.The colours of the British Flag are…
White, blue, green
White, blue, red
Blue, red, yellow
8.The name of a famous stadium in England where football matches take place is…
9.A double-decker is…
A car;
A train;
A bus.
10.British monarchs are crowned in…
Westminster Abbey;
The Tower of London;
         The Houses of Parliament.
11.A school year in Britain has…
Four terms;
Two terms;
Three terms.

8. Homework.  https://learningapps.org/1536249 пройди тест

урок №1 (за 16.03.20 ) та урок №2(за 23.03.20)

Тема: «Проблеми довкілля» (урок №1)

1.Match the Ukrainian words for garbage to their English equivalents. (вправа усно, словосполучення вивчити)
1) plastic bottles;
2) glass bottles;
3) aluminium cans;
4) packets;
5) tin cans;
6) nylon fabric;
7) leather shoes;
8) cigarette butts;
9) wool socks;
10) cardboard boxes;
11) orange and banana peel;
12) paper products;
13) cotton rags or towels;
a) бавовняне ганчір'я та рушники;
b) пакети;
c) цигаркові недопалки;
d) скляні пляшки;
е)нейлонова тканина;
f) шкіряне взуття;
g) алюмінієві бляшанки;
h) шерстяні шкарпетки;
i) паперова продукція;
j) шкірки від бананів та апельсинів;
k) картоні коробки;
l) пластикові пляшки;
т ) жестяні бляшанки.

2.Read and translate the text. (усно)
People have always polluted their surroundings. But until now pollution was not such a serious problem. In past most people lived in uncrowded rural areas and didn’t have pollution-causing machines. But with the development of crowded industrial cities the problem of pollution has become more important. Using automobiles and other machines made pollution steadily worse. Since the 1950’s people have become alarmed with the danger of environmental pollution.
Air, water, and soil are necessary for existence of all living things. But polluted air can cause illness, and even death. Polluted water kills fish and other marine life. On polluted soil, food products can’t be grown. In addition environmental pollution spoils the natural beauty of our planet.
Pollution is a very complicated and a serious problem. Automobiles are polluting the air but they provide fast transportation for the people. Plants and factories pollute the air and the water but they provide jobs for people and produce necessary goods. Fertilizers and pesticides are important for growing crops but they pollute soil.
Thus, people would have to stop using many useful things if they wanted to end pollution immediately. Most people don’t agree to do that. But pollution can be reduced gradually. Scientists and engineers can find the ways to reduce pollution from automobiles and factories. Government can pass the laws that would make enterprises take measures for reducing of pollution. Individuals and groups of people can work together to persuade enterprises to stop polluting environment.

3.Answer the questions. (письмово)
1.Do we live in a wonderful world? 
2. why do millions of animals die every year? 
3. Why is the country air not clean and fresh? 
4. Are there a lot of fish in the rivers? 
5. Are the forests disappearing all over the world? 
6. What can we see at the seaside? 
7. Is it an international disaster? 
8. Must people help the world ? 
9. Do you want to live the clean world? 

4.Discuss the following questions.
(написати свою думку стосовно одного з питань)
1. Is the environment of the palace where you live clean or polluted?
2. What can you say about our forests and woods?
3. Is it dangerous to swim in the Dnipro, the Black Sea, of Azov?
4. What threatens wild animals and birds?
5. When you have picnics out of town, do you always leave the cite clean?
6. What should be done to make our environment clean?
7. Suggest the ways on how to do this. Present the list with suggestions in front of the class.
5.  Домашнє завдання. Вивчити словосполучення з вправи №1

 Тема: Environmental problems. (урок №2)
«Проблеми довкілля.
 Організації із захисту навколишнього
1. Language charging. Мовна зарядка. (прочитайте)
 Read the sounds and the words. 
[e] – environment, protect, protest 
[r] – protect, forest, problem, prohibit, rubbish 
[s] – solve, sea, recycle, plastic, spoil, solution 
[k] – cut down, pick up, protection, container 
[i] – ecology, environment, litter, region, river 
[i:] – clean, people, keep, please, breathe, see 
[v] – save, river, village, everybody, never 
[w] – water, well, want, winds, weather, we 

2. Answer the questions.  Дайте відповіді на питання. (письмово)

1.Do we live in a wonderful world? 
2. why do millions of animals die every year? 
3. Why is the country air not clean and fresh? 
4. Are there a lot of fish in the rivers? 
5. Are the forests disappearing all over the world? 
6. What can we see at the seaside? 
7. Is it an international disaster? 
8. Must people help the world ? 
9. Do you want to live the clean world? 
10.Is the environment of the palace where you live clean or polluted?
 11.What can you say about our forests and woods?
 12.Is it dangerous to swim in the Dnipro, the Black Sea, of Azov?
 13.What threatens wild animals and birds?
 14.When you have picnics out of town, do you always leave the cite clean?
15. What should be done to make our environment clean?

3. Write your opinion on the following  statements. (напишіть свою думку, щодо наступних стверджень)
The green house  effect. What is it?
What can you tell about acid rains?
Air pollution. Why does it happen?
Water pollution. Why are our rivers and lakes polluted?
Disappearing animals. Why does it happen?
4. Read to the song of outstanding American singer and try to write down the missing words in it. (письмово)
I see trees of green. . . red roses too
I see them bloom. . . for me and for you
And I think to myself. . . what a wonderful world. . .
I see skies of blue. . . clouds of white
Bright blessed days. . . dark sacred nights
And I think to myself. . . what a wonderful world. . .
The colours of a rainbow. . . so pretty. . . in the sky
Are also on the faces. . . of people. . . going by
I see friends shaking hands. . . saying. . . “How do you do?”
They're really saying. . . I love you. . .
I hear babies cry. . . I watch them grow
They'll learn much more. . . than I'll never know
And I think to myself. . . what a wonderful world

5. Grammar rules. (прочитайте та запам’ятайте)
Modal Verbs – це модальні дієслова в англійській мові. Від інших дієслів вони відрізняються тим, що не використовуються самостійно і не позначать конкретної дії або стану, вони лише відображають модальність, тобто, ставлення мовця до якої-небудь дії. Разом модальне дієслово та інфінітив утворюють конструкцію Compound Modal Predicate, що можна перекласти як складений дієслівний присудок.
Модальні дієслова в англійській мові можуть виражати можливість, необхідність, бажаність, ймовірність та інші стани. Всього в англійській мові існує 13 модальних дієслів та їх конструкцій.
Нижче представлений список з усіх модальних дієслів, що є в англійській мові. Can  Could May  Might Must Have to / Have got to Be to Need Ought to Should Would Shall Wil lUsed to
Найуживанішими є три модальних дієсловасanmay та must. Іноді вони можуть заміняти інші модальні дієслова, оскільки мають найширше значення з усіх модальних дієслів.
Утворення речення з модальним дієсловом
Як правило, у стверджувальному реченні модальне дієслово йде перед означуваним ним дієсловом, яке вживається у 1 формі без частки to (тільки якщо ця частка to не є конструкцією модального дієслова):
Іменник + Modal Verb + дієслово у 1 формі
Приклади розповідних (стверджувальних) речень:
can swim. – Я можу плавати.
used to go to gym. – Я ходив до тренажерної зали.
Зазвичай, для утворення заперечного речення після модального дієслова йде заперечна частка not. Вона може зливатися з модальним дієсловом і утворювати скорочену форму:
Can not (Cannot)  Can’t
May not  Mayn’t
Must not  Mustn’t
Will not  Won’t
Shall not  Shan’t
Should not  Shouldn’t
Would not  Wouldn’t
Приклади заперечних речень:
won’t go to the theatre. – Я не піду до театру.
can’t do it anymore! – Я не можу цього більше робити!
Проте не у всіх модальних дієслів заперечна форма утворюється в такий спосіб, тому краще розглядайте кожне модальне дієслово окремо.
Питальні речення з майже усіма модальними дієсловами утворюються за допомогою простого перенесення модального дієслова на перше місце в реченні:
Modal Verb + іменник + дієслово
Приклади питальних речень:
Should I help you? – Чи допомогти мені вам?
Could you move your tablet, please? – Чи не могли б ви пересунути свій планшет, будь ласка?
6. Select the correct modal verb from the brackets and write it in the sentence.
 Виберіть правильне модальне дієслово з дужок та впишіть його в речення:

1.     There are plenty of tomatoes in the fridge. You (mustn’t/needn’t/may not/should not)  buy any.
2.     It’s a hospital. You (mustn’t/needn’t/may not/don’t have to)  smoke.
3.     He had been working for more than 11 hours. He (must/need/had better/mustn’t)  be tired after such hard work. He (should/may/must/had better)  prefer to get some rest.
4.     I (might/could/must/can)  speak Arabic fluently when I was a child and we lived in Morocco. But after we moved back to Canada, I had very little exposure to the language and forgot almost everything I knew as a child. Now, I (may/can/must/need)  just say a few things in the language.
5.     The teacher said we (must/can/should/needn’t)  read this book for our own pleasure as it is optional. But we (need/could/mustn’t/needn’t)  read it if we don’t want to.
6.     (Can/May/Need/Must)  you stand on your head for more than a minute? – No, I (can’t/needn’t/may not) .
7.     If you want to learn to speak German fluently, you (need/have to/could/mustn’t)  to work hard.
8.     Take an umbrella. It (should/need/might/has to)  rain later.
9.     You (need/needn’t/may not/shouldn’t)  leave small objects lying around . Such objects (may/must/need/may not)  be swallowed by children.
10. People (may not/needn’t/couldn’t/don’t have to)  walk on grass.
11. Drivers (must/can/could/might)  stop when the traffic lights are red.
12. (Will/Can/Must/May) I ask a question? – Yes, of course.
13. You (couldn’t/needn’t/mustn’t/may not)  take your umbrella. It is not raining.
14. (Should/May/Need/Can) you speak Polssh? – No, I (can’t/mustn’t/might not/don’t have to)  .